Serving Bucks County, Lehigh County, Montgomery County and Philadelphia
Pennsylvania Shoplifting Attorney
Shoplifting is sometimes thought of as a less minor offense. However, if convicted on shoplifting charges, it can remain on your criminal record. And, the penalties for shoplifting are often based on the value of the items. It is critical to seek help from an experienced lawyer who can protect your rights and keep a shoplifting conviction off your record.
At Applebaum & Associates, we provide skilled criminal defense services to people charged with shoplifting throughout Pennsylvania. We can ensure your rights are protected every step of the way. Contact us to schedule your consultation at one of our Pennsylvania office locations.
Shoplifting – which can also be called retail theft or employee theft – is a petty theft charge. In some situations, the penalty for shoplifting may not be that severe. However, if you keep your record clean, you can avoid any problems in the future. For example, if you are charged with shoplifting in the future, you will automatically be charged with a misdemeanor and risk jail time.
Life-changing results
Celebrating 50 years of victories

Additionally, a shoplifting conviction can remain on your criminal record. This could affect your employment opportunities, scholarship opportunities and ability to rent an apartment. It will show up on your background check. An attorney from our firm can build a strong defense on your behalf and help you avoid the consequences of a conviction.
Applebaum & Associates explores options to keep you out of jail. The ARD (Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition) program is available for first-time shoplifting offenders. If you participate in the ARD program, you will pay a fine, be placed on probation for up to two years and perform community service.
Call For a Free Consultation 24/7
Offices in Bensalem, Allentown, Doylestown, Quakertown, Willow Grove and Philadelphia
Contact our office today to discuss your shoplifting case. You can reach a member of our firm 24/7 for a free initial phone consultation. We will help you understand the legal issues involved in your case and let you know what we can do to help. We accept most major credit cards and offer payment plans for your convenience.